Protecting business and government from non-tolerable events using the latest technology

The threat landscape keeps changing. Cyber security keeps moving forward. Game on. PT Expert Security Center team have participated in more Russian cybercrime scene investigations than any other company in the Russian market. We have been uncovering APTs, malware, ransomware, and underground cyber-criminal trends across the world. As research-led practitioners, we seek out the most challenging cyber security problems we can find

ERP Security

By facilitating real-time information flow between all core business functions, enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems can save enterprises both time and money. However, the increased use of web and portal technologies and their growing connections to critical infrastructure, such as ICS/SCADA systems, add a new set of high-risk targets for both outside hackers and insider threats.

Many organizations rely on expensive external consultants to deploy and maintain their ERP systems and to carry out associated security, compliance, and segregation of duties (SoD) audits. A mid-size installation of SAP for example could consist of hundreds of SAP software instances supporting thousands of users. Keeping track of the relevant inventory, vulnerabilities, compliance, and configuration settings, including access rights and password policies, can seem an impossible task.

Vulnerability Management

No matter the attack vector, cybercriminals operate on the premise that vulnerabilities exist. Stay ahead of them with advanced solutions that cover all your systems. Build a continuous response to the constant threat and create a strong process with the most cutting-edge tools on the market.

We provide 360º visibility into infrastructure and detects security incidents. Regularly updated with knowledge from Positive Technologies experts. Effortlessly adapts to network changes. The Positive Technologies Expert Security Center and R&D team monitor and perform research into new threats. Their know-how is regularly made available in expertise packs from the PT Knowledge Base. Expertise packs contain new rules, updated parameters for collection and incident handling, response recommendations, and reputation lists. Packs are automatically provided to MaxPatrol SIEM in order to detect threats before serious consequences arise.